Quality Policy

Quality is not an ACT, it is a HABIT...ARISTOTLE.

Quality is one of the pillars on which 8POINT3 Electronics is build. We follow a consistent, structured quality process with a team of experienced engineers, inspectors and logistics specialists and focus on meeting customers' needs. We are passionate about our zero-tolerance.

Below we brief are the four pillars of 8POINT3 Electronics Quality Programme, which we practise to aim our goal of Zero PPM failure.

  • Secure Source
  • Testing & Inspection Process
  • Traceability
  • Technical Suport

Secure Source

  • The foremost thing in controlling the Quality of the Electronic devices is the sourcing of the components through proper channel. And we at 8POINT3 Electronics ensure that we buy only from the Authorised Channels of the Manufacturer. We buy either from the Manufacturers or direct representatives of the Manufacturer. In our regular requirements we do come across some requirements where parts go obsolete and not possible to Source from the authorised channel of the Manufacturer.In such cases we source them from a different organised channel in which we check with independent distributors and also with OEMS with excess stock. Here we involve our customers before purchase with the device pictures and details. Then we get the parts tested with TEST HOUSE (The tests performed are detailed below).The Test reports are shared with customer and on approval we supply the parts.
  • 8POINT3 Electronics believes that Secure Source is the first pillar of support against Counterfeit devices.
  • Testing & Inspection Process
  • 8POINT3 Electronics quality inspection process is an essential function, which avoids any risk in the electronic component supply chain while facilitating productivity to increase our customer's bottom line. Our quality process ensures essential counterfeit detection and preventative processes are securely in place. We categorise the Test & Inspection process in two categories.
  • 1. VISUAL INSPECTION: We normally follow Visual Inspection process for the devices sourced from Authorised Manufacturer Channels.
    a. Manufacturer P/N Check
    b. Quantity Check
    c. Packing check as per Industry requirements
    d. ate Code and ROHS
  • 2. TEST: We go through below test, using the TEST HOUSES for the OBSOLETE Devices procured from non-authorized channel. We share the Test report with customer and on satisfactory acceptance of customer we ship them.
    a. Decapsulation Test
    b. X- Ray Test
    c. Stereo and Metallurgical Test
    d. XRF Analyser Test
    e. Marking Permanency Test / Resistance to Solvents Test
    f. Solderability Test


  • 8POINT3 Electronics maintains the complete traceability of each and every device supplied. And it can be shared on demand with the customers. For the authorised distributor channel we maintain the Manufacturer COC (Certificate of Compliance) and other documents of our purchase.

    For the non-authorised channel purchase we maintain the TEST reports, normally we share the Test report with the customer and on their approval of the TEST report rest of the process flows.

Technical Support

  • 8POINT3 Electronics is committed to customer service even after the years of the supply. If at any point of time customer faces any functional problem or requires any Technical assistance, we are there to assist you with our technical team. To move a step further we will coordinate with the Manufacturers and help you to solve your Queries.